Set 2 carnete Moleskine - Volant Forget Me Not Blue and Amber Yellow Large Ruled | Moleskine

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Every single page of these lightweight and flexible everyday notebooks is detachable, perfect for sharing ideas, notes and lists. Available in handy packs of 2, this set of Volant Journals in Forget-Me-Not Blue and Amber Yellow has distinctive Moleskine rounded corners, helping them to slip easily into a pocket or bag – ready to capture thoughts and inspiration on the move. Pick your color and use the perforated pages inside for handwritten reminders and messages with a personal touch.The paperband B-side features a neat organizer to secure any detached pages you want to hang on to. - soft cover- rounded corners- front endpaper with ‘In case of loss’ notice- ivory-colored, 70 g/m², acid-free paper- tear and share: all pages detachable- packed in sets of 2- each set consists of 2 contrasting shades to differentiate your notes (except set of 2 Black)

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