Jolly Readers: Inky & Friends (Level 1) |

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The first of four levels of decodable books, providing the best start for children just starting to read. At every stage the words are within the reach of children as they use their letter sound knowledge and tricky words already taught.Tricky words are shown at the back of each book. Light type is used as a guide for those few letters that should not be sounded out, such as the /b/ in lamb.Level 1:Features words that are spelled regularly, and can be sounded out with the 42 letter sounds first taught in Jolly Phonics. 3 series – Inky Mouse and Friends, General Fiction & Nonfiction 6 different books per series, all 18 titles in Complete Set 8 Pages per book 11 Tricky Words per book 1 Sentence per page (approx) 0 Alternative spellings per book Titles included in this pack: Mud Inky Zack Snake Monster Footsteps Moat Farm

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